Monday, July 23, 2007

Week Three . . . Learning About the Lab

Last week I got a broader perspective on the lab and the groups with which it is involved. During the first few days, I spent a lot of time in some different meetings and presentations. Each Monday, there is a presentation by someone in the lab about their personal project. Last week, a woman presented her work investigating a certain gene and its possible relation to schizophrenia. It was extremely complicated, so I won't pretend that I understood it all. Regardless, what parts I could understand were very interesting.

On Tuesday, the whole lab went to a hospital in Brockton for a monthly meeting with some other related labs. At this meeting, each ongoing project was briefly presented. This allowed me to meet the people that actually deal with schizophrenic patients and perform brain scans.

On Wednesday, the director of one of these other labs came to the PNL to give a presentation about his work. Once again, it was very complicated, but very interesting.

In the actual lab, I jumped around a bit, assisting different people on a variety of things. Thursday, I created a mask for one of the other research assistants. While this is normally a rather mundane task, it turned out to be quite intriguing because there were some strange objects at the bottom and rear of his brain. On Friday, I teamed up with two other summer students to convert a bunch of files into a different format. It was somewhat tedious, but necessary and it went by faster with three of us.

Back at Harvard, we studied learning and cognition (language, problem solving, etc) in my course. Learning was a fascinating lecture, probably my favorite one yet, and cognition was a close second.

Anyway, my midterm for Intro to Psych is later today so that's all for now!

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